Droves of children will be out and about on Halloween night, which
ups the odds for all sorts of accidents, including being hit by a car. A study
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates deaths
among pedestrians aged 5-14 is four times higher on Halloween than any other
evening of the year. Remember, this is a festive
occasion for grownups too and some of them may not be on their best driving
And it’s not just cars our kiddos have to worry about. Danger
lurks everywhere.
Below are some tips to keep in mind to make sure this Halloween is
a fun, safe one for your family.
Pedestrian Safety
When romping around the ‘hood on Halloween night, make sure your
kids wear brightly colored costumes and/or reflective tape on costumes and
bags. Have them take a flashlight, too – not just so they can see better, but for drivers to see them better too. Make sure kids walk in groups, in well-lit neighborhoods, and on streets with which they are familiar.
Remind them to use sidewalks and crosswalks and cross streets together as a
Picking out a pumpkin at your favorite pumpkin patch is a fun
family tradition for many. Carving the pumpkin can be dangerous, though.
Pumpkin exteriors can be oh so tough which means you need a sharp knife to cut
through them. Sharp knives and kids is a bad combination.
Suggestion: let the kids draw the design on the pumpkin with a marker and have
the adult do all the cutting. Or, skip the carving part altogether and decorate
the pumpkin with paint or sharpies or glitter glue.
Whether home-made or store bought, it’s important that whatever
mask your child wears fits properly so that it doesn't obstruct her vision.
Chances are your child will be climbing up and down doorsteps, most of the time
in front of houses dimly lit for an extra spooky effect, with lots of distractions
and excitement all around. That’s tricky enough. If her eye-holes are too small
for her eyes or are somewhere over her ear and nose, her vision will be
impaired and her chances of tumbling down the steps greatly increased - spewing Skittles and candy corn as she goes. Not that I remember something like that
actually happening to me or anything.
Remember, you can always cut the eye-holes to make them bigger and
enhance your child’s peripheral vision.
Oh, and make sure your child can breathe well under that mask. Breathing is important.
Oh, and make sure your child can breathe well under that mask. Breathing is important.
Candy Safety
It’s the one night of the year when the “never take candy from a
stranger" rule is suspended. You still need to be cautious, though. Make sure
your child knows that no candy should be eaten before a parent properly
examines it. Avoid eating home-made treats handed out by strangers (no matter
how yummy it looks), unwrapped candy, or any treat that just looks odd or
suspicious for some reason. There will be enough perfectly safe candy to last for
weeks. No need to risk your health by eating something funky.
Houses to Avoid
Not everyone celebrates Halloween. Heck, not everyone even likes
kids. Avoid those people. It’s pretty easy to determine who in the neighborhood
is in the Halloween spirit. Avoid the houses with no lights on and not even a smidgen
of Halloween decoration on the porch or windows. They’re either not home or they do not want little Zombie ringing the door bell. Also, NEVER enter the house of someone you do not
know. Adults know the protocol: kid in costume rings doorbell, adult answers
door, child screams "Trick or Treat," bemused grownup says something along the lines of “…well, aren’t you just the most
darling Fairy Princess” then hands kid Snicker’s bar, child says "thank you" and promptly proceeds to the next house. That’s the way it’s always been done. No
reason to go inside.
Beware the Shenanigans
Remember, there will be a lot of shenanigans and mischief-making
on Halloween night, most of which is fun-spirited, but some of it could get out
of hand. Be sure to warn your child about pranksters and also remind him that
Halloween doesn’t give him an excuse to vandalize property or play mean tricks
on people. Rolling yards with toilet paper or tossing eggs at cars may seem
like a harmless prank, but it could land your child in serious trouble.
Check in
If you allow your older child to go out trick-or-treating in a
group without adult supervision, which I don’t advise, be sure that she
or someone in the group has a cell phone and reports in at designated times,
makes regular stops back home to check in, and is clear about a definitive
curfew. Stress to your child that she should NEVER accept a ride in a car from
an older kid or stranger.
The Spaghetti Effect
Finally, if you don’t want your child to consume huge amounts of
candy on Halloween night, one trick is to make sure she eats a filling dinner
before trick-or-treating. This will result in either one of two outcomes: she
won’t eat so much candy; or, she’ll still eat too much candy and there will be
a large pile of spaghetti in the lawn of someone in the neighborhood. Your
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